Almost six months into my writing journey, I feel I’ve come a long way, but I have so much further to go, and I’m itching to get there. Starting from essentially zero aptitude, I worked hard in 2023 to improve my writing. For months, my writing remained unreadable, but now occasional glimpses of beauty poke through.
After years of dancing with data, I can’t help but start with some numbers (word counts rounded to the nearest 500):
79,000 words written
- 68 stories, 34 poems, many of which are incomplete and discarded
- 149 submissions: 76 rejections, 11 acceptances, others still pending
- $126 earned
Potentially publishable*
Entirely unpublishable*
* My subjective personal assessment. “Potentially publishable” includes works that need a rewrite (though likely will never get it); “unpublishable” is a lost cause (but not a waste of time, because I learned in the process). 2023 involved lots of writing as practice.
Other Spec
Categorized based on the main genre. This tracks, since I aimed to write sci-fi and fantasy, dabbling in horror, slipstream, and literary only to test the waters.
Dark, dystopian, horror
Neutral, mixed
Positive, utopian, happy
I write a lot of dystopian stories. But very recently in 2024, I’ve been thinking about more uplifting stories, so perhaps this will change.
To celebrate about 2023
- Rekindled my love of reading
- Started writing!
- First publication
- First paid publication
- First publication at pro rates
- Learned how to properly submit works to journals
- Sent 100 submissions
- Started calling myself a writer
- Met other writers for the first time
- Joined writing communities
Discovering what I like to write
- My very first attempt at writing was a fantasy novel, and I got 3000 words in before I thought: if it turns out unreadable, I will have sunk in so much effort for no return. I soon pivoted to writing flash fiction.
- I attempted writing literary fiction, but soon realized I had no clue what literary fiction is. It may be a lost cause for me.
- Although I originally had no intention of writing poetry, I discovered narrative poetry works for me.
- I wrote a lot of drabbles and microfiction because it was fun. Fitting a story into a condensed format gave me the feeling of solving a puzzle.
My writing-related goals for 2024
100 story submissions and 100 poetry submissionsdone!Sell 10 works to paying marketsdone!Sell a story at SFWA pro ratesdone!Sell a poem in a market paying at least $25/poemdone!- Write a first draft of a novel
- Write better (as measured by compliments??)
Read more than I did in 2023done!